Nov 04, 2023 | PAST EVENT
Home Programmes Our Creative Curriculum
Our Creative Curriculum harmonizes teacher-guided instruction with child-driven exploration, placing a strong emphasis on accommodating individual learning styles and nurturing each child's unique strengths and interests. This curriculum incorporates the most up-to-date educational theories and research findings, aligning with the content standards established by state authorities and professional organizations. While preserving its original environmentally-centered approach, it unequivocally delineates the indispensable role of teachers in fostering meaningful connections between children and educational content, facilitating effective teaching, and fostering optimal preschool learning experiences.
The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool translates new research and theory from the field of early childhood education into a practical, easy-to-understand approach to working with children and their families. It is a comprehensive curriculum with a clear organizational structure and a particular focus on interest areas.
The Curriculum is based on foundational learning theory of children drawing from the scholastic works of notable academics like Maslow, Erikson, Piaget, Smilanksy and others and based on well documented studies on Learning and the Brain and Learning and Resiliency. The Goals of the curriculum are presented in the form of a learning continuum, with an increased focus on social and emotional skills that children need to succeed in school and in life.
It looks at a number of important issues in designing developmentally appropriate learning activities for children including the role of the Family, the Learning Environment, the Role of Teachers and some of the more specific issues around how children develop and learn, and what children should learn.cretche and morning ring 113.
In applying the Curriculum to Pre-School Children we focus on a number of important learning areas including: Blocks; Dramatic Play; Toys and Games; Art; Library; Discovery; Sand and Water; Music & Movement; Cooking; Computers and Outdoors.
Nov 04, 2023 | PAST EVENT
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